SDR Objection Handling 101

When it comes to objection handling, there are a couple of vertices you’ve got to consider. Why do SDRs fear handling objections, who’s best to help get an SDR trained, and what are the true benefits of investing in this skill when onboarding your new and training your existing teams?


A lot of questions there, so let’s get started. 


Why do lots of SDRs put off handling objections?

Some SDRs don’t enjoy handling objections because they view it as a challenging or uncomfortable part of the sales process. It’s not hard to understand why; it’s often quite awkward and tricky to navigate that type of conversation. But there’s also a little more to it…


        • Lack of Confidence: Some SDRs may lack confidence in their ability to effectively handle objections, which can cause them to feel anxious or intimidated when they encounter them.
        • Lack of Knowledge: SDRs who are not well-versed in the products or services they are selling may struggle to effectively handle objections. This can lead to frustration and a lack of confidence in their ability to handle objections effectively.
        • Fear of Rejection: Some SDRs may fear that handling objections will result in rejection or loss of the sale. This can cause them to shy away from objections and avoid engaging with customers on this issue.
        • Negative Mindset: Some SDRs may have a negative mindset towards objections and view them as a personal affront or challenge to their abilities. This can lead to feelings of frustration and a lack of motivation to handle objections effectively.
        • Lack of Practice: SDRs who have not had opportunities to practice handling objections may lack the skills and experience needed to handle them effectively. This can lead to feelings of anxiety or discomfort when they encounter objections.


By addressing these underlying issues and providing support, training, and resources to help SDRs develop their objection-handling skills, organizations can help to overcome these challenges and enable SDRs to handle objections effectively.


What can managers do to make SDRs more Effective at Handling Objections?

Managers themselves can play an important role in encouraging their SDRs to focus on their objection-handling skills. KPIs, encouragement and incentivisation aren’t new terms for Sales Managers, so don’t be afraid to connect them with this skill as well. 


As a manager you can:

        1. Provide Training: Offer training and resources to help SDRs develop their objection-handling skills. This can include role-playing exercises, workshops, and coaching sessions with experienced salespeople.
        2. Set Objectives: Set clear objectives for objection handling performance and incorporate these into performance reviews and goal setting. This can help to ensure that SDRs understand the importance of this skill and are held accountable for their progress.
        3. Provide Feedback: Regularly provide feedback on objection handling performance. This can help SDRs identify areas for improvement and work towards developing stronger skills in this area.
        4. Encourage Practice: Encourage SDRs to practice objection handling in real-life situations. This can include regular coaching and debriefing sessions to help them develop their skills and identify areas for improvement.
        5. Lead by Example: Lead by example and demonstrate good objection-handling skills yourself. This can help to create a positive and supportive environment for SDRs to develop and refine their skills.
        6. Reward and Recognize: Reward and recognize SDRs who demonstrate strong objection-handling skills. This can help to motivate them to continue developing this important skill and reinforce the importance of objection handling in the sales process.


Where managers play an important role in encouraging their SDRs to focus on their objection-handling skills, you can support your SDRs in developing an important skill that’ll no doubt significantly advance and enhance your sales process.


What are the benefits of being skilled in objection handling as an SDR?

Becoming skilled at objection handling can bring many benefits to SDRs and their organizations. For one, they’ll have the opportunity to see an increase in their Sales, which by proxy helps reach targets and bring more $$ in each month. By effectively handling objections, SDRs can advance the sales process and increase the chances of closing a sale. This can lead to higher sales revenue and growth for the organization.


An SDR will be able to improve Customer relationships. When SDRs listen actively, empathize, and offer alternatives, they demonstrate that they are truly concerned with the customer’s needs and are working to find a solution that is right for them. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Moving onto time management… By handling objections quickly and efficiently, SDRs can avoid spending excessive time on deals that are unlikely to close. This can allow them to focus their time and energy on opportunities with a higher likelihood of success.


SDRs will become more professional, confident and knowledgeable, increasing their credibility with customers and helping to build a positive reputation for the organization.


And finally, an SDR will get really good – like really good (!!) – with their product knowledge. Handling objections often requires a deep understanding of the product or service being sold. By regularly practising objection handling, SDRs can deepen their knowledge of their products and be better equipped to handle objections in the future.

Handing Objections Effectively

Objection handling is a crucial skill for SDRs as they are often the first point of contact with potential customers and need to effectively handle objections to advance the sales process. An objection is any expression of doubt, uncertainty, or resistance to the value proposition offered by the SDR. Objections can take many forms, ranging from simple questions to outright rejection of the product or service being sold. So how can you do this effectively?


        1. Listen actively: The first step in handling objections is to actively listen to the customer. SDRs should pay attention to the tone, body language, and words used by the customer to understand the root cause of the objection. By listening carefully, SDRs can respond in a way that addresses the customer’s specific concerns.
        2. Ask clarifying questions: SDRs can use clarifying questions to better understand the customer’s objections. This can help them to respond in a more targeted and effective manner. For example, an SDR could ask, “Can you tell me more about what’s concerning you?” or “What specifically are you looking for in a product like this?”
        3. Empathize: It is important for SDRs to show empathy and understand the customer’s perspective. SDRs should acknowledge the customer’s concerns and validate their feelings. For example, an SDR could say, “I understand that this may not be the right fit for you, and I appreciate your time.”
        4. Address the objection head-on: SDRs should address the objection directly, using relevant data, case studies, and personal experiences to illustrate the value of their product or service. SDRs should also use positive and confident language to communicate their message.
        5. Offer alternatives: If the customer’s objections cannot be overcome, SDRs can offer alternative solutions or options. For example, an SDR could suggest a different product or a different pricing model that may be more suitable for the customer.
        6. Follow-up: Finally, SDRs should follow up with the customer to ensure that their objections have been adequately addressed. This follow-up can be in the form of a phone call, email, or even a personalized video message.

It goes without saying, but objection handling is an important skill for SDRs as it can make or break a sale. 


By actively listening, asking clarifying questions, empathizing, addressing objections head-on, offering alternatives, and following up, SDRs can effectively handle objections and advance the sales process. With these tips, SDRs can build stronger relationships with potential customers and increase their chances of closing a sale.


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